Monday, January 31, 2011

Nude Progress

Yay more crappy cell phone pictures. This painting is really coming along though.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Started this "speed" painting of this knight and dragon from my sketchbook. IDKWTF I'm doing. D: Ah well, I'll repost when it's finished.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Unfinished nude figure

I worked on this in my advanced figure class. Its...not done. Crappy cellphone pic FTW.

Monday, January 24, 2011

This is an oil painting called "Plumage" that is currently in a show at KSU that opens up on Thursday, January 27th.

Oh yeah and there is this.  It's a small preview of the cover of Laluelle, issue 4

First Post.

Okay, so I'm making this in an attempt to make myself draw/paint/illustrate or do something constructive with these damn meat paws of mine daily. So, here we go. To start off I'll post some of my stuff I have now.

This is an oil painting on wood. It's pretty big.